Anyone who has engaged in the pursuit of history, particularly our local history, will have quickly learned change, sometimes rapid, sometimes occurring over time, is inevitable. This column will look at some of the changes that took place in our business scene and the consequences they had on local employment. Change intially took place slowly in Newmarket,…
Tag: Oral History
Bell’s Billiards Was Famed Newmarket Pool Hall
One of the pastimes of the past that resonates for many is the pool hall. Whether one played the game of billiards, pool or snooker, it was generally played in a parlour, room or club that was often referred to as a pool hall or billiards room. These establishments would commonly offer additional forms of entertainment such…
How Georgina Came To Be
My ongoing series on the hamlets of York Region has featured articles on the townships of East Gwillimbury, King, and Whitchurch-Stouffville. This column weekend focuses on Georgina. Georgina, although incorporated as a town, also operates as a township with the various communities in the area sharing a common administration. Located in the south-central area of Ontario,…
Newmarket Churches Fostered Connections With Friends
This column features some of the area churches that I may have missed in previous articles with a brief history. I am currently doing heritage walks of area churches and I thought it might be a perfect time to look at some of these churches. You can access my previous article featuring St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Trinity United…
St. Andrew’s College Remains True To Its Scottish Traditions
Just like our own Pickering College, Aurora’s St. Andrew’s College has a long and distinguished history. Both educational institutions decided to re-locate to our area in search of a home more in keeping with their educational ideals. St. Andrew’s College (SAC) was founded in September 1899 by Rev. Dr. George Bruce, the first headmaster, as a residential and…
Painter Made Mark On Canadian Arts Scene
This weekend on NewmarketToday, I will be featuring another prominent local artist who achieved worldwide acclaim within the art world. In past columns, I have featured several local artists including George W. Luesby and Dorothy Clarke McClure as well as the incomparable J.W. Jefferies, father of Canadian heritage art. This weekend, we shall examine the history…
Memories Of Newmarket School Days Mostly Sweet
As I prepare for the 100th anniversary of my alma mater, Stuart Scott School on June 10, I have noticed that more and more I am reflecting on my school days, my memories of life as an 11 and 12-year-old. I hope that some of my memories spark in you the same longing for a…
Different Public Holidays Celebrated Across Canada
When I began researching my column about Victoria Day, I discovered a whole treasure trove of information on public holidays in Canada, some of it new to me. Did you know that we have different categories of holidays in this country? I never really realized the complexity inherent in our system of public holidays! Perhaps I should start…
Here’s How We Celebrated Victoria Day Over The Centuries
This weekend we are enjoying the Victoria Day long weekend but I wonder how many of you know the story of why we celebrate the day. Not everyone in Canada celebrates it as Victoria Day. Victoria Day, known in French as Fête de la Reine (Celebration of the Queen) is a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated on the last…
Arrival of Toronto Subway Sped Newmarket’s Growth
The building of the Toronto subway system played a significant role in the economic and social development of Newmarket and area. While the Toronto subway is part of a larger public transportation network that includes streetcars, buses and light rapid transit, I shall confine my examination to the subway. In a second article, I shall look at the subway…