Newmarket’s early doctors had practices that covered an apparently boundless territory. In those years prior to the arrival of the car and paved roads, in fair weather and foul, often on horseback, they arrived at isolated homes to administer help to the sufferer and to comfort the anxious family. Sometimes the only facility in which…
Tag: Oral History
Wasn’t That A Party When Newmarket Officially Became A Town
I have often referred to the incorporation of Newmarket as a town on Jan. 1, 1881 in my various articles on Newmarket Today, but let’s look at this momentous occasion in a little more depth as it was captured at the time. Newmarket incorporated as a village in 1857. In 1878, the village had been…
Main Street Saw Banks Come and Go, Until Bank of Montreal Arrived
The history of banking in Newmarket is a particularly interesting story, indicative, I believe, of the trend of development that we saw nation-wide, growing into our present efficient national banking system. Before 1865, all of the banking business of the village of Newmarket had to be carried out in Toronto. However, in August 1865, the Royal…
Newmarket’s Early Newspaper Owners Were Men Of Influence
Come with me to 1852 Newmarket to take a look at the town’s early newspapers and publishers. The population was only 500. There were no sidewalks on Main Street north of the Christian Church and only two or three houses had been built in that area. Beyond the main street to the north and west,…
There’s Gas In Them Thar Newmarket Fields
This week, let’s look at a story that I had always considered a tall tale but one that immediately captured my imagination upon recent examination: the discovery of gas deposits and coal right here in Newmarket. Our story begins in the March 1875 edition of the Newmarket Era reporting the discovery of a gas spring…
A Closer Look At Timothy Rogers, ‘Father Of Newmarket’
Timothy Rogers is considered by many to be the father of Newmarket’s founding and establishment. Many of you have likely heard stories of Rogers’ arrival in Newmarket, bringing Quaker settlers to Yonge Street, but how much do we know about the man? In this article, I want to fill out the picture somewhat and provide…
Building Lots In Newmarket’s First Subdivision Sold For $50
Connaught Gardens was Newmarket’s first planned community. I have mentioned it in several of my articles, but I thought it might be an interesting story to pursue. Only a handful of people in our community would remember the development, and they are generally of a certain generation. Connaught Gardens was the only major land development undertaken…
In Review Of Decades, The ’60s Marked Massive Growth In Newmarket
In keeping with the beginning of a new year, this week I’ll highlight the progress that occurred with each decade from the incorporation of the Village of Newmarket in the 1850s up to the 1970s. It is my hope this article, coinciding with the arrival of 2020, will serve as both an overview of our…
When A Loaf Of Bread Was 6 Cents, And Other Interesting Facts
As I sort through various stories for my weekly heritage articles on NewmarketToday, I frequently come across interesting little stories. I’m sharing some of those facts and antidotes that I have collected. The theme for this article, if we need one, is ‘did you know’?’ Newmarket has altered its numbering system for streets at least…
In Review Of Decades, The ’60s Mark Massive Growth In Newmarket
In keeping with the beginning of a new year, this week I’ll highlight the progress that occurred with each decade from the incorporation of the Village of Newmarket in the 1850s up to the 1970s. It is my hope this article, coinciding with the arrival of 2020, will serve as both an overview of our…