In this week’s article, I will give you an overview of how the school system in Newmarket got started and grew, and a little background on each of the major phases of this development from the early 1800s to 2000. Formal education in most of Ontario in the early part of the 18th century usually…
Tag: NHS
Carter, Luesby Pillars Of Historical Community
I pay tribute to my mentors, Terry Carter and George Luesby, who can take credit for not only ensuring Newmarket’s heritage has been preserved but for igniting a respect and passion for history in our community The pursuit of local history is an endeavour requiring a passion that is quite often lit by a personal…
History of Newmarket High School 5
THE LITERARY SOCIETY: The first meeting to organize the Literary Society was held on October 29, 1920 and continued for the following forty years as the central organization of many of the school’s activities. The objective of the Society was to stress forms of culture, literature, music, and the arts. In addition it provided training…
History of Newmarket High 4
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Until 1948 the Newmarket Town Council appointed citizens of known integrity to serve as trustees; they served in a position of responsibility for which they received no remuneration. An average of 8 members comprised a Board and the term of office varied from two to several years. Their names ere listed here…
The Strength Behind The History Of The Newmarket Historical Society
Ghost Stories of Newmarket Well another excellent meeting of the Newmarket Historical Society is in the books. On the occasion of Terry Carter’s scary presentation of Newmarket’s Ghost Stories, I wanted to dedicate this edition of the blog to all the amazing presentation that I have heard over the years and the dedicated people behind…