BRICK MAKING IN NEWMARKET Stickwood’s brick yard was on the north side of 5rigley Street, just east of the creek. the site has recently been sold to a developer, and soon another land¬mark in the history of Newmarket will remain but a memory. This was the comment in the Newmarket Era back in the early…
Tag: Newmarket Today
Newmarket Today Remember -This weekly local heritage articles
History of Newmarket High School 5
THE LITERARY SOCIETY: The first meeting to organize the Literary Society was held on October 29, 1920 and continued for the following forty years as the central organization of many of the school’s activities. The objective of the Society was to stress forms of culture, literature, music, and the arts. In addition it provided training…
History of Newmarket High 4
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Until 1948 the Newmarket Town Council appointed citizens of known integrity to serve as trustees; they served in a position of responsibility for which they received no remuneration. An average of 8 members comprised a Board and the term of office varied from two to several years. Their names ere listed here…
The Strength Behind The History Of The Newmarket Historical Society
Ghost Stories of Newmarket Well another excellent meeting of the Newmarket Historical Society is in the books. On the occasion of Terry Carter’s scary presentation of Newmarket’s Ghost Stories, I wanted to dedicate this edition of the blog to all the amazing presentation that I have heard over the years and the dedicated people behind…