I am a Life Long History Hound, member of the Newmarket Historical Society and local Genealogy enthusiast. Yes passion would be the word I would use to describe it!
This site is intended to be an archive of stories, pictures and facts relating to our history. I look forward to receiving contributions from our Newmarket Historical Society members and those in the community who have a story to tell.
I hope to relate some of the great stories I grew up hearing at family dinners and community gatherings and it is my hope that you will all contribute your tales to this collection!
I can not remember a time when I was not fascinated by the study of history and particularly by the history of my town, Newmarket!
Share your love of history and explore with me this incredible road!
Richard MacLeod
So glad to be a part of History Hound..
I used to live in Newmarket…..from 1964-1971…also had my first born son at York County Hospital in 1969,also I’ve recently
ordered a book from Chapters called “Newmarket”….”The Heart Of York Region”…..looking forward to reading it.
My father Huntly Taylor from Newmarket/ Toronto. He was 2nd past president Newmarket Legion after WW II. Deceased 1999. Missed so much. Married Audrey Gibney of Holt. Sister to Lorne Gibney, Marion Thompson, and Bea Shaw. Deceased 1914. Missed so much. Buried together in same plot Mt Albert cemetary. I am daughter Gail Taylor Seevers, and brother Roger Taylor. Would love to join. Please let me know. Thank you.
My son sent me some pictures of the Office Specialty buildings that he found on Facebook.
I worked for Office Specialty 41+ years and can provide information about the pictures.
I do not subscribe to Facebook.
Hello Richard …
I am the son of James H Gairdner, who once owned and operated the Davis Leather Company.
I have a super promo piece my Dad created to illustrate the leather operation as it was.
and I would like to put it in the right hands so others could enjoy it
Please let me know whom I should contact to pass this valuable piece of history on
Thank you
William Gairdner
Looking for a list and times of your walking tours in Newmarket
I have added it finally on the site! Hope to have everything listed soon! Cheers!
I left a message but noticed that my email was incorrect. Should be gmail. com. NOT gnail. com Thx😊
Checking out mailing list!