Let’s visit the one-room schoolhouse that once sat on the southwest corner of Yonge Street and Polar Bank Sideroad, which is now Green Lane. Doreen Needler, the mother on one of my childhood friends, was involved both in the anniversary festivities and the placing of the cairn to commemorate the school, and in tribute to…
Month: June 2021
Southern Ontario Was Home To 2 Notorious Residential Schools
This is part two of my two-part series on the history of the residential school system,with a focus on southern Ontario. You can read part one here. In Ontario, there were roughly 15 residential schools and 13 of those were attended by Nishnawbe Aski Nation children. I have listed below the Ontario schools and posted a…
Residential Schools An Appalling Chapter In Canada’s History
This is the first of a two-part series on residential schools in Canada. In part one, we will examine the subject from a national perspective, while in part two, we will narrow our focus to southern Ontario. I hope to start the discussion by addressing some facts that you may not currently know or perhaps…
Queen’s York Rangers Cadets Have Long And Storied History
This is the third and final article in a series on the Queen’s York Rangers, with a focus on the Cadet program. In the future, I plan to do an article on the regimental band. The Queen’s York Rangers (1st American Regiment) R.C.A.C. is a Canadian Army Primary Reserve Royal Canadian Armoured Corps regiment based in Toronto and Aurora. The regiment is part of 4th…